
MPU6050 3-Axis Gyroscope 6DOF Accelerometer Module GY-521


رمز المنتج: ARD0148 التصنيفات: ,

The MPU6050™ parts are the world’s first MotionTracking devices designed for the low power, low cost, and high-performance requirements of smartphones, tablets and wearable sensors.

The MPU6050 incorporates InvenSense’s MotionFusion™ and run-time calibration firmware that enables manufacturers to eliminate the costly and complex selection, qualification, and system level integration of discrete devices in motion-enabled products, guaranteeing that sensor fusion algorithms and calibration procedures deliver optimal performance for consumers.

The MPU6050 devices combine a 3-axis gyroscope and a 3-axis accelerometer on the same silicon die, together with an onboard Digital Motion Processor™ (DMP™), which processes complex 6-axis MotionFusion algorithms. The device can access external magnetometers or other sensors through an auxiliary master I²C bus, allowing the devices to gather a full set of sensor data without intervention from the system processor. The devices are offered in a 4 × 4 × 0.9 mm QFN package.

The InvenSense MotionApps™ Platform that comes with the MPU-6050 abstracts motion-based complexities, offloads sensor management from the operating system, and provides a structured set of APIs for application development.

For precision tracking of both fast and slow motions, the parts feature a user-programmable gyro full-scale range of ±250, ±500, ±1000, and ±2000 °/sec (dps), and a user-programmable accelerometer full-scale range of ±2g, ±4g, ±8g, and ±16g. Additional features include an embedded temperature sensor and an on-chip oscillator with ±1% variation over the operating temperature range.


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    MPU6050 ModuleMPU6050 3-Axis Gyroscope 6DOF Accelerometer Module GY-521