
شاشة OLED مقاس 0.96 بوصة ، باللون الأصفر والأزرق 128X64 ، من أجل Arduino


رمز المنتج: OLED-096D التصنيفات: ,


Resolution: 128X64
Color: Blue and Yellow
Viewing angle: greater than 160 degrees
Supported platforms: for arduino, 51 series, MSP430 series, STIM32 / 2, SCR chips
Low power consumption: 0.04W during normal operation
Support wide voltage: 3.3V-5V DC
Working temperature: -30-80 degrees
Volume: 27MM * 27MM * 4.1MM
Driver IC: SSD1306
Communication: IIC, only two I / O ports
No font: The software takes word modulo
Backlight: OLED self light, no backlight

VCC: 3.3-5V
GND: Ground
SCL: Serial Clock
SDA: Serial Data

Display Color

Blue, Yellow & Blue, White


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    شاشة OLED مقاس 0.96 بوصة ، باللون الأصفر والأزرق 128X64 ، من أجل Arduino