
Regulator L7805 5V Regulator, 7-35VDC Input


The 7805 is perhaps the most commonly used linear regulator available. Input voltage can range from 7 – 35VDC and it outputs a fixed 5V at over 1A of current and up to 2.2A of surge current. For basic operation, no external components are required.

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The LM7805 is a voltage regulator that outputs +5 volts. Like most other regulators in the market, it is a three-pin IC; input pin for accepting incoming DC voltage, ground pin for establishing ground for the regulator, and output pin that supplies the positive 5 volts.

Basic Operation

The 7805 is perhaps the most commonly used linear regulator available. Input voltage can range from 7 – 35VDC and it outputs a fixed 5V at over 1A of current and up to 2.2A of surge current. For basic operation, no external components are required.


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    reg-L7805-1Regulator L7805 5V Regulator, 7-35VDC Input